The central OneView component
The central OneView component holds all the data that goes into computing the live status of all your IT systems seen from the end user point of view.
The central OneView component also host the dashboard and all the integration with your support, mail and your OneView Cloud dashboard that enable you to access your OneView dashboard on mobile devices via the Internet.
The OneView Extenders
Around the central OneView component you will find the OneView extenders. Each extender collects some data that are send to the central OneView component.
ServiceTester (Active Monitoring)
ServiceTester can e.g. make active HTTP requests SOAP calls or checks whether a remote Windows service is running
SQLReader (Passive Monitoring)
The SQLReader can read data from any database.
LogReader (Passive Monitoring)
The LogReader can read any logfile.
Your end users report that they have a hard time doing their job due to respons time problems and error messages popping up on the screen.
This is a business critical IT system and it runs on the best hardware you could buy from your hosting partner. Clearly the end users would not report problems if everything was fine.
You ask your outsourcing partner if he has any data that might help you solve the problem. The answer is no. Everything is fine. Uptime is well within the limits and all the servers are running below 10% CPU at all times. The database experts see no problems.
This is where you set up OneView monitoring.
The OneView LogReader will tell you when there is a problem with the service you deliver to the end users. The system goes red on your OneView dashboard in peak hours. This means that your end users can not work with your system and you are loosing business in peak hour.
With this information you know that your end users are suffering even though your outsourcing partner detects no problems. This is a classic situation. But OneView have given you a clue – it is a load problem that pops up during peak hour.
Active monitoring with the OneView ServiceTester will help you find out where you should look for the root cause of this problem.
Is it a network problem?
Set up a ping request to the servers that the end users access and ping requests to the offices where your users are located.
This will give you a baseline showing you if the servers or the network have a hard time serving your requests during peak hour. Most likely this is not the case but the baselines in OneView will help rule out the possibility.
Is it a web server problem?
Set up a simple connection test to the web server or a request for an image or something else that is easy for the web server to handle.
This will tell you if one or more server in your web server farm is having problems during peak hour. This might actually be the case even when your outsourcing partner reports that there are no CPU load problems
Is it an application problem?
Set up a request for a page that involves database queries or even a scripted test with login and complex requests.
Most likely these tests will run fine most of the time and fail during peak hour just as the end users reported.
Now you know that this combination of server hardware, application and database are causing the problems your end users report.
There is a range of things that might cause this type of problems. The most obvious being database locks and bad application design in a combination with the hardware platform chosen for this IT system.