Passive Monitoring
The LogReader can read any logfile.
Example: Configure the LogReader to read the newly added lines in the web server access logfiles of your company intranet portal each minut. This will give OneView fresh response time monitoring data each minute. All the things that the end users assess in your web system are monitored in this way each minute.
The LogReader will tell you if the end users experience good response time in business hours and how many requests was made of each transaction type.
If you need help configuring the Log Reader for a certain type of log file Monsalta will be happy to assist.
OneView Log Reader – User Guide
Reading the logfiles
The LogReader will only read new data in the logfiles, tail reading. This ensures that the reading does not put heavy load on the network even when reading very large log files.
If you configure the LogReader to check for new logdata every 60 seconds then only the data written in the logfile during the last 60 seconds are read.
Decoding the loglines
When the LogReader reads a new line of data in a logfile it needs to decode the data from the logfile.
OneView expects to receive a timestamp, a transaction name, a success/failure status and a response time.
If a user requested you intranet portal front page at 08:22:32 and the page was delivered within 958ms with no errors then that data point will be passed on from the LogReader to the central OneView component.
All the other page hits made by all the other users will be further datapoints in OneView. All these datapoints will be used by OneView to calculate a live status color for your Intranet portal application.